Water Storage tanks for widows.

Mama Rose receiving water storage tanks 135litres for home use.
Burst sewage pipe that flows and may contaminate water for use in dams.

I had a vision to start blessing the widows with water storage tanks during this rainy season.This came as a concern after i saw a water sewage burst in town and it mixed with the flowing rain water that sometimes end up in the dams.

We live in a village where most of the times we use dam water and during rains ,we can tap rain water from iron sheet roofs.Like in the photo shown.

Therefore ,to help stop the spread of water bourne diseases like cholera and dysentry..which may be difficult to treat.l want to bless the widows and orphans with those little tanks to help the as we pray for a bigger tank atleast 1000 litres which will store more water.

Please feel free to pray and support the needy.This will last for a long time and will save lives,distance and money for the orphans and widows.

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