‘Here there is no Greek or Jew … but Christ is all, and is in all. ‘(v. 11)
We live in an age seeking equality of opportunity for all, yet this verse, written so long ago, is the charter of equality. There just cannot be any distinctions in Christ. You are governed by something else. Then notice also the words ‘Christ is all, and is in all’. What Paul means is this:Christ is all that matters. If Christ becomes all in all to us we cannot remain the people we were. What is more, everyone else becomes all in all also because we realise Christ dwells in them too. Why is the Church so slow in showing the world that what a classless, raceless society is like? I am afraid there can only be one answer: Christ is not all in all.
O Father, You inspired Your servant Paul to sweep the decks of all discrimination. May we, Your people, fully implement it. Amen.
Have a blessed Tuesday.