As school reopened yesterday, normaly the school need balances cleared so that they can run the programmes.As we have many needy students ,it happens that they may have not cleared the previuos terms balances and thus have to stay at home and miss lessons which adversely affect their perfomance.
But i thank God that has enable me to keep them in school.Today,i have so far managed to sort a 6 students fees and stationeries required partly.
Students names are :
1.Marvelous -Musanda secondary school 2.Faith -Bar olengo secondary school 3.Merryl-Bar olengo Junior sec school 4.Wesley -Bar Olengo secondary school 5.Milverton -Bar olengo Secondary school 6.Merryline 7. Anjeline-Bar Olengo secondary school 8.Ellekiah -Joust University and 9.Elizabeth -Siaya Institute of technology are back while we work to help the remaining.
Also is the feeding programme for the whole term.God bless you all for the prayers and support.