Tuesday, January 3rd 2023
“The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation…”
Genesis 12:1–2, NIV
Say Goodbye
God told Abraham to leave his relatives and move to another land. I’m sure he loved his relatives. For a season, everything had been fine, but when God was about to do something new and big for Abraham, He knew that the people and things around him would try to keep him from what He had put in his heart. Sometimes you have to leave certain things behind so you can become all you were created to be.
Is there something you need to leave behind–a hurt, a bad attitude, or an area that you’re compromising in? Don’t bring that into the new year. Those things were in your 2022, but they don’t belong in 2023. You can’t go through life holding on to hurts, wrong attitudes, and people who are not good for you. Say goodbye to failure; this is a new day. Say goodbye to guilt; you’re forgiven. Say goodbye to what didn’t work out; God has something better. It’s going to be a bountiful, abundant, flourishing year.
“Father, thank You for calling me to follow You and Your direction in my life. Thank You that I can say goodbye to all the negative baggage that comes from carrying past failures, guilt, and blame. I look forward to the new things You’re doing in my life this year. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Abandon all the failures of last year. God’s turning all into New blessings. Watch out.
Share with all your friends.
Happy New Year.