It was a blessed Sunday as we were visited by members of The Hillside Church ,Canada who were on a christian mission in our country. We heard from Angel,who shared the scripture on the life and faith of Abram. Genesis 12.She encouraged us to be like Abraham who waited for the promise for 25years.He was promised to be a father of Great nation yet he had no child at 75yrs…This applies to our lives. Angel was born in Sri Lanka ,and she had been going through difficult time ,,and as the days went by,instead things continued to be worse. It reached a time that they had nothing left after her father sold everything and even lost his job, that’s when the Tamil tigers attacked their houses and burnt everything..She remember hiding in a bush nearby and asking God,,,If He loved her? She had an answer from God..later She received her ticket and visa and went to Canada..where she is married and now doing her christian Work..
Wow,it is amazing how God can use your bad situation to lift you up and promote you. We were so blessed.
Her message gave hope to many who are sick but cant afford medical care,those who can not pays for daily food and more,they prayed for the sick old widows.
God bless the Team..