After almost 8months of drought,our women an children are currently facing starvation.Majority are living on food stuff imported to the local markets which unfortunately they cannot afford to buy as they are unemployed .Many are widows who are left with orphans in our church and villages.
The children at school cannot also learn well on empty stomach.more so the children and women in my ministry.They wish I could find a way of introducing feeding programme for the kids at the school and also get some food stuff to share with the widows.The famine is a national disaster and it has affected even the health of poor families here.
The situation is becoming worse as the days are moving.I am appealing for wellwishers to help by donating.The affected families will appreciate .May God bless you.
MATHEW 25:34-40
‘Then the King will say to those on his right,’come ,my Father has blessed you ! inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.I was thirsty amnd yu gave me something to drink,I was a stranger ,and you took me into your home .I needed clothes and you gave me something to wear.I was sick and you took care of me…..”