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Terrorism & War
Security Assesments
Published On: Tue, Mar 31st, 2015
Intelligence News / Terrorism & War Updates | By Avraham Ben Adam
Al Shabaab Plans To Commit Mass Murder Against Kenyan Christians; Intends To Match ISIL Brutality
Al Qaeda Al-Shabaab Iranian Intelligence ISILIslamist Ideology Kenyan Christians
Credible intelligence from Iranian Intelligence sources indicate that Al Shabaab plans to commit mass murder
against Kenyan Christians as a way of elevating its jihadist profile among Global jihadi organization as well as
deepen its integration into the global Islamist terror network which is currently being led by two disparate jihadists:
Al Qaeda and ISIL. Intelligence indicates that HSM plans to commit a single mass-casualty terrorist attack in Kenya.
This development comes after al Shabaab released a video showing members of the terror group executing about a
half a dozen Somali Christians in Somalia. The men were executed by either gunshots or through decapitation.
Al Shabaab intends to disseminate an intolerant Islamist ideology across the North-Eastern and Coastal regions of
Kenya in order to create inter-religious conflicts that would in turn create an enabling environment for the Somalia-
based terrorist group to profile Christians with the explicit aim of subjecting them to extreme persecution.
ISIL has subjected both Arab and non-Arab (Assyrians) Christians in the territories they control to extreme
persecution with the intent of forcing them to either convert to Islam or leave their homes. Al Shabaab seeks to
emulate this savage form of religious persecution in order to stymie ISIL inroads into Somalia by showing that HSM
can conduct ISIL-like activities while still remaining as a bona-fide affiliate of Al Qaeda.